Echtzeitmusik Mizuki Ishikawa Shun Momose Sound Installation
@Künstlerkolonie Kunstraum Breitenbachplatz 1 14195 Berlin 24,25,26th Janury 2025 24th 17:00- 25,26th 15:00- Immersive multichannel sound instalation with ambisonic recording. support: Project Support Emerging Arts Creators ciity goverment of Mompeo, Montenero and Casaprota
Flaschenpost vol.7
10月26日(土)16時開演 京都クラブメトロ 一般前売¥2400 + 500( 1drink)U23前売¥1400 + 500(1drink ) 出演Shun Momose細見和之Ryosuke Kiyasu @dr.kiyasu足立智美 @_adachi_tomomiJulie Semoroz @jsemoroz Flaschenpost はShun Momoseがベルリンを拠点に企画、キュレーションする実験音楽を中心としたパフォーマンスアートのイベントシリーズである。今回は京都国際舞台芸術祭KYOTO EXPERIMENTのサテライトイベントとして京都クラブメトロにて日本発開催 ヨーロッパにてシアターやパフォーマンスアートのプロジェクトで積極的に活動する一方、ソロの演奏ではボイスやフィールドレコーディングを用いてノイズ、アンビエントの領域を行き来するスイスからのアーティストJulie Semoroz, 国際的な活躍をつづけながらベルリンから金沢に拠点を移し金沢21世紀美術館などで現代音楽の企画を開催している作曲家、演奏家の足立智美がパフォーマーとして、またスネアドラムのみで多彩な音を奏で、躍動的なコレオグラフィーで日々のツアーで世界の人々に衝撃とトランスをもたらすRyosuke Kiyasuが登場。個性的、世界レベルの演者と、今回ゲストに迎える京都大学教授細見和之先生をどのように従来のコンサートの枠に収まらず演出するのか?乞うご期待。 Poster by Shun Momose and Martín Cortes @martin_cortes_tSupport by @matazoroku @metro_kyoto #kyotoexperiment#moreexperiments
Flaschenpost vol.7
at Kyoto Club Metro, fringe event of Kyoto Experiment https://www.metro.ne.jp/schedule/241026a https://kyoto-ex.jp/fringe/2024_flaschenpost
Upcoming show
at Richten 25 12th August Quartet with Seijiro Murayama, Nina Guo and Chris Pitsiokos Suggested donation 10-20 Euro send email to get the adress of the venue
Flaschenpost vol.5
in rainy weather, please ask the organizer weather the show happens via email(momomomomomose0221[at]gmail[dot]com)! The next Flaschenpost is coming up as a picnic of acoustic /electroacoustic soundsAt Volkspark Schönholzerheide Deutsche Kriegsgräberstätte Zweiter Weltkrieg GPS location:(52.5771945, 13.3822650)Or pm Philip Hölldobler (wind instrument)Glass Wire(voice/bass guitar)Peter Strickmann(object)Takako Suzuki(dance)/Shun Momose (acoustic guitar)PhoLo0(drum) Donation basedbring your blankets
Artist Statement
about solo performance by Shun Momose This is my artist statement for improvise performance in music. The act in the performance is based on a mutual relationship between the actor and their audience. Emotions are a secondary element generated through the act. Actions that do not evoke emotions, especially genuine emotions, in the performers themselves…
Artist Statement
about “Electric three strings instrument“ —–Deconstruction of an electric guitar—– I wanted to build the performance with the electroacoustic fretless instrument and my individual sonic language. In this project, I focused on the sound of the conflict of objects. The idea arose from the observation that Japanese music, from Gagaku music to Japanoise, has recognized…
solo performance for Flaschenpost vol.4 at Loophole Berlin 18.04.2024 Electric guitar/percussion/feedback
18.04.2024 Flaschenpost vol.4 at Loophole Page Swanson(electronics)Ampfx(light installation)Jacqueline Julianna(turntable/Li He) Shun MomoseRavingmadcarlos door 19:00admission 10 euroFlyer supported by @matazoroku_cc @martin_cortes_t ——————————Page Swanson Page Swanson works with feedback via mixing board and pocket recorders. The audience tries to decipher re-animated field from walls of steady feedback. He’s part of the band STUMPED with sound artist Adam…
Statement for Duo Project with Mizuki Ishikawa
Artist statement for duo project of Mizuki Ishikawa Shun Momose “Acoustic Feedback for Music“ English/Deutsch Künstler-Statement
Any inquiry?